
Showing posts with label negative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label negative. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Unique Hope To Really Defy The Gravity Of Negative Thoughts

Unique Hope To Really Defy The Gravity Of Negative Thoughts  Don't think too much... Once you start to think negative thoughts... somehow you easily just start spiraling downward.  I'm sure gravity has something to do with it..!   Instead think of one, two or three awesome amazing events in your life.. Feel them.  Or think of something you are grateful to have..   If not be grateful for the Sun, Moon, Stars or Rain.. something.. anything simple will do. Feel it. Feel gratitude.    Defy Gravity... Think Positive Thoughts..   Feel Positive Feelings..  Be Optimistic!      Do Like Share and Follow to stay up-to-date and keep the ball of Positivity Rolling... Thank you.
Unique Hope To Really Defy The Gravity Of Negative Thoughts

Unique Hope To Really Defy The Gravity Of Negative Thoughts  Don't think too much... Once you start to think negative thoughts... somehow you easily just start spiraling downward.  I'm sure gravity has something to do with it..!   Instead think of one, two or three awesome amazing events in your life.. Feel them.  Or think of something you are grateful to have..   If not be grateful for the Sun, Moon, Stars or Rain.. something.. anything simple will do. Feel it. Feel gratitude.    Defy Gravity... Think Positive Thoughts..   Feel Positive Feelings..  Be Optimistic!      Do Like Share and Follow to stay up-to-date and keep the ball of Positivity Rolling... Thank you.
Unique Hope To Really Defy The Gravity Of Negative Thoughts

Don't think too much...
Once you start to think negative thoughts... somehow you easily just start spiraling downward.
I'm sure gravity has something to do with it..!

Instead think of one, two or three awesome amazing events in your life.. Feel them.
Or think of something you are grateful to have.. 
If not be grateful for the Sun, Moon, Stars or Rain.. something.. anything simple will do. Feel it. Feel gratitude. 

Defy Gravity... Think Positive Thoughts.. 
Feel Positive Feelings..
Be Optimistic! 

Do Like Share and Follow to stay up-to-date and keep the ball of Positivity Rolling..... Thank you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Our Unique Belief's That Keep Our Hope Really Secure In Life

Our Unique Belief's That Keep Our Hope Really Secure In Life    Sometimes it not our belief's that affect us. But the belief's of the people around us, that affect us!! The best thing to do would be to avoid challenging their belief's as their collective belief's might end up being stronger than your own.   It might just be better to believe in whatever you do Silently... and just keep doing your thing!    Do Like Share and Follow to stay up-to-date and keep the ball of Positivity Rolling..... Thank you.
Our Unique Belief's That Keep Our Hope Really Secure In Life 

Our Unique Belief's That Keep Our Hope Really Secure In Life    Sometimes it not our belief's that affect us. But the belief's of the people around us, that affect us!! The best thing to do would be to avoid challenging their belief's as their collective belief's might end up being stronger than your own.   It might just be better to believe in whatever you do Silently... and just keep doing your thing!    Do Like Share and Follow to stay up-to-date and keep the ball of Positivity Rolling..... Thank you.
Our Unique Belief's That Keep Our Hope Really Secure In Life 

Sometimes it not our belief's that affect us.
But the belief's of the people around us, that affect us!!
The best thing to do would be to avoid challenging their belief's, as their collective belief's might end up being stronger than your own. 
It might just be better to believe in whatever you do Silently... and just keep doing your thing!

Do Like Share and Follow to stay up-to-date and keep the ball of Positivity Rolling..... Thank you.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Truth About Faith In Mind Over Matter?

The Truth About Faith In Mind Over Matter?   When you believe it's all about mind over matter... and your mind is strongly positive.... it's all fine and great. But you end up having a weak moment and the mind isn't as strong or positive as you'd like it to be! That's when things can go south until you bounce back to your strong positive self once again.    Do Like Share and Follow to stay up-to-date and keep the ball of Positivity Rolling..... Thank you.
The Truth About Faith In Mind Over Matter?

When you believe it's all about mind over matter... and your mind is strongly positive.... it's all fine and great. But you end up having a weak moment and the mind isn't as strong or positive as you'd like it to be! That's when things can go south until you bounce back to your strong positive self once again. 

Do Like Share and Follow to stay up-to-date and keep the ball of Positivity Rolling..... Thank you.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

First Change Your Beliefs In Yourself To Easily Get The Best Out Of Life


First Change Your Beliefs In Yourself To Easily Get The Best Out Of Life Our belief's are the reason our outer world is the way it is.... if we want a different way of life, all we need to do is change our thoughts about our current beliefs. And bit by bit we will begin to notice the fruits of our thoughts and belief's making our outer world much better as a reflection of them!  Believe in magic... and you will see magical things happening all around... Believe in love.... and you will see love all around you... Believe in joy and abundance.... and you will see abundance all arround in the things that bring you joy... Believe you are worthy... Believe and you will receive! Above all believe in yourself.
First Change Your Beliefs In Yourself To Easily Get The Best Out Of Life 

First Change Your Beliefs In Yourself To Easily Get The Best Out Of Life Our belief's are the reason our outer world is the way it is.... if we want a different way of life, all we need to do is change our thoughts about our current beliefs. And bit by bit we will begin to notice the fruits of our thoughts and belief's making our outer world much better as a reflection of them!  Believe in magic... and you will see magical things happening all around... Believe in love.... and you will see love all around you... Believe in joy and abundance.... and you will see abundance all arround in the things that bring you joy... Believe you are worthy... Believe and you will receive! Above all believe in yourself.
First Change Your Beliefs In Yourself To Easily Get The Best Out Of Life 

Our belief's are the reason our outer world is the way it is.... if we want a different way of life, all we need to do is change our thoughts about our current beliefs. And bit by bit we will begin to notice the fruits of our thoughts and belief's making our outer world much better as a reflection of them!

Believe in magic... and you will see magical things happening all around...
Believe in love.... and you will see love all around you...
Believe in joy and abundance.... and you will see abundance all arround in the things that bring you joy...
Believe you are worthy...
Believe and you will receive!
Above all believe in yourself!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Future Fortunes


Visit the link below to read an article about fortune telling and seeing into the future .....

Future Fortunes

An article about fortune telling and seeing into the future.
Future Fortunes...

Visit the link to learn more about your Date Of Birth..

Thursday, April 28, 2022

How To Find Positive Meaning Thru Your Grief To Easily Help Heal Life

Find meaning through your grief.... it helps! It helps you look at things in a different way. Sometimes that's all we need, a tiny nudge to see things differently and hence more clearly. It helps put ourselves back on track, the same or new! But the one most needed by us for healing to take place. You are where you are in time and space for a reason.  A reason that my not be visible or clear to you currently but as time moves on clarity comes along.

 Find meaning through your grief.... it helps! It helps you look at things in a different way. Sometimes that's all we need, a tiny nudge to see things differently and hence more clearly. It helps put ourselves back on track, the same or new! But the one most needed by us for healing to take place. You are where you are in time and space for a reason.  A reason that my not be visible or clear to you currently but as time moves on clarity comes along.

Thursday, April 14, 2022



Be kind always with everyone you speak to... say something kind and positive only... for you never know when those words maybe the last that you have spoken or heard!

Be kind always with everyone you speak to... say something kind and positive only... for you never know when those words maybe the last that you have spoken or heard!

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Dealing With Pain...


No gain without pain.... We've heard that a million times. But here's what you do to reduce the pain.... When you see someone who's going thru more pain. Once you realize that persons pain is much more than yours, all of a sudden your pain won't feel so bad.... You just wouldn't want to trade it for what the other persons going thru! And slowly but surely you'll be greatful for what you have....!

No gain without pain.... We've heard that a million times. But here's what you do to reduce the pain.... When you see someone who's going thru more pain. Once you realize that persons pain is much more than yours, all of a sudden your pain won't feel so bad.... You just wouldn't want to trade it for what the other persons going thru! And slowly but surely you'll be greatful for what you have....! 

This is in reply to a comment I got on social media....

I totally agree... pain is pain. But when you see more pain through the eyes of another human, sometimes it can help you realise life could be much worse.  

Believe me I know I've been thru hell n back.🙏

Sorry I don't mean to invalidate anyone's pain.

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This Too Shall Pass 

Giving Up

Changes In Life

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Good Life

Good thoughts Good words Good deeds.

Good Thoughts!
Good Words!
Good Deeds!
The basics of a Good Life.... Cause what you Think is what you Become!

So what good thought did you have today? 
What good words did you say today?
And what was the good deed you did today?
Think Say Do something good if you haven't yet today! 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Age Is Just A Number....


When we’re young, our feelings guide us, and when we’re older, our experience guides us.

When we’re young, our feelings guide us, and when we’re older, our experience guides us.

What age do you currently feel?
What would you tell your younger self?
Say it!
What would you tell your older self about today?
Say it!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Giving Up?

Seven years ago I kept oscillating between having hope... and giving up hope. Constantly. That was the only constant in our lives. Hope! Something unique that we all should try to cling onto in difficult times. Especially difficult times.... it is what will pull us thru the days that we is what makes us feel more positive in the shadows of is the sliver of light that glows enough for us to be able to see a better tomorrow. A brighter tomorrow. Which we know deep down in hearts to be true.

Eight years ago I kept oscillating between having hope... and giving up hope. Constantly. That was the only constant in our lives. Hope! Something unique that we all should try to cling onto in difficult times. Especially difficult times.... it is what will pull us thru the days that we is what makes us feel more positive in the shadows of is the sliver of light that glows enough for us to be able to see a better tomorrow. A brighter tomorrow. Which we know deep down in hearts to be true. 

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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Changeing Adversity Into Opportunities

Turning every adverse situation into an opportunity to advance in life. That's what life should be all about! Hence when faced with something that doesn't align with our plans.... we should know intuitively and instinctively how to change our course to keep moving forward with our ones mixed in with our original ones. Hence making progress even in the face of adversity!


Turning every adverse situation into an opportunity to advance in life. That's what life should be all about! Hence when faced with something that doesn't align with our plans.... we should know intuitively and instinctively how to change our course to keep moving forward with our ones mixed in with our original ones. Hence making progress even in the face of adversity!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Lifes Highs And Lows..

We all have our high days and low ones too... on the high ones everyone enjoys your company. But.... the low days are the ones that really count. That's when you need people arround you the most! Unfortunately that's also the day when most people want to stay away from you!
Life's ups and downs!

We all have our high days and low ones too... on the high ones everyone enjoys your company. But.... the low days are the ones that really count. That's when you need people arround you the most! Unfortunately that's also the day when most people want to stay away from you! 

So who stood by you when you were up in life? 
Bless them.
Who stood by you when you were down in life?
Thank them.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Moving On..

We all move on from events in our life. Some of us move on quicker than others and some of us take like forever....! but eventually we do move on. When we take our time, sometimes people arround us might not be as patient with us. And want to push us on .... but that wouldn't help in any way. Just like the butterfly goes thru it's struggle to get out of it's cocoon and finally turn into a butterfly, at it's own pace.... We too need to move on... at our own pace! Sometimes some of us might move on too quickly, and it doesn't seem to make sense to the people arround us. But we do! And that shocks them, surprises them, and confuses them too! But it happens! Just like once the butterfly has been thru its struggles and begins to fly...You can't put it back in the cocoon!

We all move on from events in our life. Some of us move on quicker than others and some of us take like forever....! but eventually we do move on. When we take our time, sometimes people arround us might not be as patient with us. And want to push us on .... but that wouldn't help in any way. Just like the butterfly goes thru it's struggle to get out of it's cocoon and finally turn into a butterfly, at it's own pace.... We too need to move on... at our own pace! Sometimes some of us might move on too quickly, and it doesn't seem to make sense to the people arround us. But we do! And that shocks them, surprises them, and confuses them too! But it happens! Just like once the butterfly has been thru its struggles and begins to fly...You can't put it back in the cocoon!


Are you a slow learner or a fast learner? 

So learn through your struggles at your own speed!

Some more articles that you might like...

Dealing With Pain

This Too Shall Pass

Sunday, April 18, 2021


It was like swimming upstream against the currents, surrounded by negativity.

It was like swimming upstream against the currents, surrounded by negativity. Every turn had negativity flowing all arround. How do you manage to stay positive when its darkness all around? The biggest question? As you manage to hold a positive thought in your mind, and nurture it to grow into a bigger thought and feeling, something happens... And it pulls you down again... and again and again. The cycle of ups and downs keeps happening. Finally you will wonder if it's a losing battle your fighting. Where your defeat was planned all along. And all you actually have is the positivity in your heart and mind. That no matter what the outcome might be.... your positivity will always win, even if you feel you have lost something precious. In your heart of hearts in your soul you know nothing is ever lost or gained. It's all an illusion. Just as the old science theory goes.... 'Energy is neither created nor destroyed.... it can only change from one form to another.' So it is with us as humans too... we too are just a form of energy. That moves from one form to another. So positivity always wins. It's the silver lining on every cloud in a cloudy sky... It's just the more clouds we have the more silver linings we can find. We just have to keep looking knowing it will always be there no matter what happens. Never give up on finding the silver lining of your clouds! The darker the clouds the shinier the line. Seeing that line thru it all is what will make your positivity soar thru the roof. And once you get into the habit of seeing it always, nothing, no one and not even your random thoughts can stop you from being the best possible positive self that you can be!

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