
Sunday, April 18, 2021


It was like swimming upstream against the currents, surrounded by negativity.

It was like swimming upstream against the currents, surrounded by negativity. Every turn had negativity flowing all arround. How do you manage to stay positive when its darkness all around? The biggest question? As you manage to hold a positive thought in your mind, and nurture it to grow into a bigger thought and feeling, something happens... And it pulls you down again... and again and again. The cycle of ups and downs keeps happening. Finally you will wonder if it's a losing battle your fighting. Where your defeat was planned all along. And all you actually have is the positivity in your heart and mind. That no matter what the outcome might be.... your positivity will always win, even if you feel you have lost something precious. In your heart of hearts in your soul you know nothing is ever lost or gained. It's all an illusion. Just as the old science theory goes.... 'Energy is neither created nor destroyed.... it can only change from one form to another.' So it is with us as humans too... we too are just a form of energy. That moves from one form to another. So positivity always wins. It's the silver lining on every cloud in a cloudy sky... It's just the more clouds we have the more silver linings we can find. We just have to keep looking knowing it will always be there no matter what happens. Never give up on finding the silver lining of your clouds! The darker the clouds the shinier the line. Seeing that line thru it all is what will make your positivity soar thru the roof. And once you get into the habit of seeing it always, nothing, no one and not even your random thoughts can stop you from being the best possible positive self that you can be!

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