But how often do we actually look for them... or listen to both sides of a story.
Would you like to be more Optimistic, Positive or Motivated? This Blog Is About Inspiration that comes from completely Surprising Sources.. And brings along Profound Thought Inspiring Ideas. Inspiring You to Think further.. I Post Short and to the Point Articles on Positivity thru Adversity in Life..! Momlife.. & Motherhood..! *Be Inspired by Inspiration. *Knowledge brings Wisdom. *Learn the Secret about Positivity thru Life. *Gratitude brings Abundance. *Quick Reads Thank You💫
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
New Hope In The Challenge To See Both Sides Of A Coin
But how often do we actually look for them... or listen to both sides of a story.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Easy And Glamorous Professions Are They For Real?
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Easy And Glamorous Professions Are They For Real? |
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Which One's Better Being Emotional vs Practical
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Thought Inspiring: Which One's Better Being Emotional vs Practical |
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Which One's Better Being Emotional vs Practical |
Emotional Vs Practical ?
Feel the emotions throughly....
But live your life with the aid of practicality .....
That's one way to keep moving forward thru the storms of your Life !
Thursday, June 2, 2022
The Intense Power Of Retribution In Our Life
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The Intense Power Of Retribution In Our Life |
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The Intense Power Of Retribution In Our Life |
Some experiences really break us!... into tiny fragments of our being.... That doesn't really make us any smaller. But shows us who we truly are. And also shows us who believes in us! Inspite of these experiences we have to have faith in ourselves as no matter what we know who we truly are! And believe in the higher powers of retribution...
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Fear Vs Courage
Fear.... the lowest on the vibrational scale of feelings. It puts you straight on the fast track of the downward spiral...
Courage... have the faith to have the courage to be fearless, while still following the rules. Have the courage to dream... to dream big! Have the courage to listen to your heart....to play your part, in life's drama. Courage to break thru your fears and get on the fast track of the upward spiral!Thursday, March 17, 2022
The Good Life
Good Deeds!
The basics of a Good Life.... Cause what you Think is what you Become!
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Age Is Just A Number....
When we’re young, our feelings guide us, and when we’re older, our experience guides us.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Abundance Mindset
Be careful what you wish for.... if you ask for abundance in the physical form, all of a sudden you might find it manifests as so much stuff...You would classify it as clutter!
So what's your deepest hearts desire?
Are you wishing for someone else? Or for yourself?
Remember the last time your wish came true! For others or for you.
Give thanks and be ready to receive so much more!
Thursday, January 6, 2022
The mind the spirit the body recover at different rates. One much quicker than the other. Each at it's own pace. In your mind you could have recovered from a trauma, your spirit too could have recovered, but somehow your body might be lagging behind! And you realise it by the signals your body sends to your mind spirit and heart. Give it time as eventually .....the mind body and spirit will have recovered thoroughly.
What does your body say?
What feelings do you get when thinking of something unpleasant?
What does your mind say, to make things feel better!
And listen....for the body never lies!
Thursday, November 4, 2021
The Lazy Genius....Aren't Really Lazy
When you make things look easy..... people think your lazy!
Thus sometimes efficiency gets a tag of lazy! The more efficiently you prioritize and do things the more time you find... It's the people who are swamped by chores and work, but love there own company so that they can get more time for themselves...who look lazy!Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Planes Of Existence....
Losing someone regularly can really get to you.... as people known to you keep moving on to another plane of existance the only way to keep sane is to start viewing things from a different angle.... the angle that they are still with you just not in physical form, they can hear you, see you, feel you.... and what they would want most for the loved ones they leave behind is for them to heal and remember the good times they had together...though that's easier said than done! But it's possible!...
Of all the loved ones you will be leaving behind one day.
What kind words would you say to them to help them thru....
Apply those words to yourself!
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Thursday, September 16, 2021
Changing Perspectives...
Brushing past death.... you learn to view life from a different or better perspective....?
It's like the knock on your head that knocked some sense into it.And makes you realise things aren't really as bad as they seem. It also makes you count your blessings one by one, bit by bit till you realize you really have a lot to be thankful for...
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Friday, August 13, 2021
Rising Like A Pheonix!
We can all rise like a phoenix... the point is we have to reach our rock bottom first. You could be at your lowest now, in your past, or maybe you have some time before you get there.
And once you do there's no stopping you from rising to the highest point your life can be. It will only be the best.... your best!Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Choose Happiness....
Be happy.... because YOU want to be in a good place! And watch how all things arround you change. Your happiness will create ripples thru the universe.... all you will hear are the echos, of joy and happiness ten fold.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Your Beliefs...
You are what your beliefs are..! since what you believe is what will make or break you. All the knowledge in the world is of not much use if you get your beliefs wrong.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Trees Our Lifeline
People have been struggling to breathe.... we have seen that right now during the pandemic....with the oxygen needs! But still we have the odacity to cut trees... trees are the ones keeping us alive on this planet. Giving us the oxygen we breathe...that too for free. They need only one thing in return from us.... protection!
And yet we fail them time n time again! And expect cities not to flood and clean air to breathe!! Think again.... when you see a tree. It's holier than a human....! It just doesn't speak our language..... Or I'm sure it would have a lot to say.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
We all move from the freedom to love... to the prison of love!
We can choose our partners. But we cannot choose our kids, grand kids and great grandkids.... And once we have them, we are stuck with our hearts hanging by a thread... and our love for them keeps growing even as they grow up and start moving away!
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Friday, June 25, 2021
Secret empathy...