A Wishlist For Christmas! |
What's on your wishlist this year?
Whose wishes have you managed to fulfill?
Help someone get their wish come true....and the universe will do the same for you!
Would you like to be more Optimistic, Positive or Motivated? This Blog Is About Inspiration that comes from completely Surprising Sources.. And brings along Profound Thought Inspiring Ideas. Inspiring You to Think further.. I Post Short and to the Point Articles on Positivity thru Adversity in Life..! Momlife.. & Motherhood..! *Be Inspired by Inspiration. *Knowledge brings Wisdom. *Learn the Secret about Positivity thru Life. *Gratitude brings Abundance. *Quick Reads Thank You💫
A Wishlist For Christmas! |
What's on your wishlist this year?
Whose wishes have you managed to fulfill?
Help someone get their wish come true....and the universe will do the same for you!
Turning every adverse situation into an opportunity to advance in life. That's what life should be all about! Hence when faced with something that doesn't align with our plans.... we should know intuitively and instinctively how to change our course to keep moving forward with our plans...new ones mixed in with our original ones. Hence making progress even in the face of adversity!
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Life's ups and downs! |
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The countdown to Christmas is just as amazing a time as Christmas itself.... |
The Countdown to Christmas is just as amazing a time as Christmas itself.... everything seems lighter and brighter. Life seems suddenly full of fun and joy. The joy of giving...as it's the time of gifts! Surprises! And more! Families gather together after being apart...it's true ...absence makes the heart grow fonder! Gathering together making new memories... while taking a walk down memory lane...thinking of old times. With the people around and thinking about the memories with the one's who have moved on! Bringing joy and happiness as we move on....
What brings you joy?
Do it! Life is too short.
What joy did you bring to others?
Bring some Give some!
A broken heart is a broken heart.... there's sometimes just nothing you can do about it.... but be patient with it. It's similar to a mirror once cracked and put back together..... it's still a mirror... but the image is unclear....! So it is with the broken heart. Maybe it's just not clear..... about how it feels. It takes time, time and some more time before things start looking like they were!
Have you been heartbroken?
Be patient be kind time heals. Treat yourself well.
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The hands we hold.... from the tiny little hands we hold to the wrinkled up ones we hold. Fill us with a wonder and deep feeling of something so unknown! Of trust of love of a knowing that all will be all right always! Of hope and wonder. A wonder that also pushes us on to think of all the things the tiny little hands will do one day!...and all the things achieved by the wrinkled up ones!... Our hands say a lot and can always do a lot. Give thanks to the hands that help you!
Whose tiny little hands did you hold and guide?
Whose wrinkled up one's did you hold while being blessed?
Feel the blessings given both ways!
When you're entangled in the constant web of life. And every one's problems are yours.... your mind is in a constant flow of chatter and noise. When you still the noise and chatter you can hear the answers clearly. And you'll always know what to say and do!
Whose problems relate most to yours?
What solutions do you find for others?
Apply them to your life as well!
Be Kind Anyway! |
Life goes on. ...
Looking out of the window I see how life goes on, nothing seems to change everything seems to be the same.... even though everything for everyone has changed....through it all it seems like people just bounce back! Life goes on as usual the people living in big fast cities just bounce back showing the resilience of the people. Knowing that the meaning of life is to just keep going... to keep moving... To embrace change in all forms and ways, and make it work for you..! Always.
When you make things look easy..... people think your lazy!
Thus sometimes efficiency gets a tag of lazy! The more efficiently you prioritize and do things the more time you find... It's the people who are swamped by chores and work, but love there own company so that they can get more time for themselves...who look lazy!
There's nothing like a mistake that changes everything known to you! One tiny mistake and everything's different. Sometimes different for the better or worse? And sometimes you know it's a mistake but your not too sure of the outcome, whether it's good or not! It's confusing. That's the time you need to have faith in things working out in your favor always! And slowly but surely things will change.... and only for the better!
What was your last mistake?
What did you learn from it?
Apply your knowledge to today!
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We all move on from events in our life. Some of us move on quicker than others and some of us take like forever....! but eventually we do move on. When we take our time, sometimes people arround us might not be as patient with us. And want to push us on .... but that wouldn't help in any way. Just like the butterfly goes thru it's struggle to get out of it's cocoon and finally turn into a butterfly, at it's own pace.... We too need to move on... at our own pace! Sometimes some of us might move on too quickly, and it doesn't seem to make sense to the people arround us. But we do! And that shocks them, surprises them, and confuses them too! But it happens! Just like once the butterfly has been thru its struggles and begins to fly...You can't put it back in the cocoon!
Are you a slow learner or a fast learner?
So learn through your struggles at your own speed!
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Memories.... the good and the not so good ones.... We all have many of them. Some that stay with us forever... and some that fade away with time.... and remain just a flicker of a thought, where you wonder if it was real or imagined. The greatest fear we sometimes have is - the fading away of a memory that we want to hold onto forever.
Do you have memories that bring a smile to your face?
Cherish them keep them safe and think of them more often!
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When you have a life in the ICU or NICU You feel like your life's hanging by a thin thread. You don't really know what your doing you might think your sitting when your standing....! You might think your eating while your sleeping.....! you actually just go thru the motions of living on auto pilot. Not really living... but just going thru the actions of life. In a daze. Till one day you just snap out of the daze one way or another! And then start living again!
Have you experienced life on auto-pilot at any time?
Look at life today. Surely you have moved on.
Keep moving. The only way to life.
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Losing someone regularly can really get to you.... as people known to you keep moving on to another plane of existance the only way to keep sane is to start viewing things from a different angle.... the angle that they are still with you just not in physical form, they can hear you, see you, feel you.... and what they would want most for the loved ones they leave behind is for them to heal and remember the good times they had together...though that's easier said than done! But it's possible!...
Of all the loved ones you will be leaving behind one day.
What kind words would you say to them to help them thru....
Apply those words to yourself!
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Feeling cornered isn't a good feeling.... it's one of complete helplessness! It's almost as if your being told to give up! It's at such times that you actually realize how alone you are in life. And it's tough to just hang in, hoping that something will give, before you do.... and eventually things change for the better. But nothing can be the same again.
Hanging on for life!
Would you hold on tighter or let go of the rope?
Hold on! And Keep holding on. Something will change.
Wait. Be patient.
Brushing past death.... you learn to view life from a different or better perspective....?
It's like the knock on your head that knocked some sense into it.Some more articles you might like..
Life is fragile and bound by time...... but love is resilient and is forever...
One moment in time can be the cause of change... huge change. One moment your alive and the next you could be gone. Leaving behind a trail of memories and love in the hearts of the people you love. Sometimes it could be in a flash of time that all has changed and sometimes it could be over a period of days... weeks... months or even years.
As time has gone by we have all been affected by our surroundings.... we have all faced the emotions attached to worry and stress. For family and for friends for friends of friends and strangers too. Worry .... has no real value other than attracting to you and the ones you worry about.... exactly that which you do not want.
So true wisdom lies in 100% acceptance of a situation and 10% worry! While sending good wishes and blessings to all!
We can all rise like a phoenix... the point is we have to reach our rock bottom first. You could be at your lowest now, in your past, or maybe you have some time before you get there.
And once you do there's no stopping you from rising to the highest point your life can be. It will only be the best.... your best!
Be happy.... because YOU want to be in a good place! And watch how all things arround you change. Your happiness will create ripples thru the universe.... all you will hear are the echos, of joy and happiness ten fold.
When thoughts words and feelings are on the same frequency, magic happens. It's a form of prayer, that's generally answered.
We all move from the freedom to love... to the prison of love!
We can choose our partners. But we cannot choose our kids, grand kids and great grandkids.... And once we have them, we are stuck with our hearts hanging by a thread... and our love for them keeps growing even as they grow up and start moving away!
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Pray... |
When life throws a curve ball at you. What do you do? You dodge it! But what happens when it does hit you...and hard. It teaches you so much! Strangers become family .... family become strangers.... and yet you pull thru it. Scars and all... Slowly coming out of it bit by bit. Learning things about yourself that you never knew. Learning new things about the people arround you! Some good some shocking... But you pull thru! It's not the end. It never is!
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